Monday, July 14, 2008


I am a day late, but Michael turned 26 on Sunday. On Saturday we went out shopping for his birthday present. We came home with a Kawasaki motorcycle. He has wanted one for a very long time and he finally got it. He had to wait til today to ride it so I could get it insured. We then had family over for a little celebration. We all had a good time. I am so grateful for him and all that he does for me . I love him so much and love to see him happy. Here are pictures of him riding it today.

Michael's New Ride!

In All His Gear!

Here He Goes!


Sean and Abby said...

nice! happy belated Michael!

Emily said...

Ty wants dirt bikes and quads some day. I just hope it is not for a long time, they scare me!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!

Renda's Reflections said...

Kelli, thanks so much for loving my son. You are the best!!!! We love you! Mom Crismon