Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tag From Katrina

3 joys: Being married in the temple to my hubby Michael, Having a great job that I love, Having the gospel in my life.

3 fears: Big bugs, I hate being home alone at night, Speaking in public.

3 goals: Be better at cooking dinner, Lose 10 pounds, Finish painting our bedroom.

3 current obsessions/collections: Purses, purses, and more purses. I feel that I need a new purse all the time. Michael can't understand why I can't reuse the same ones.

3 random facts: I am OCD about my house being cleaned, I love blogging, I love Taco Bell (I could eat there everday!)

I Tag Abby, Diana, Karina.

1 comment:

Sean and Abby said...

Those are some good answers,it was so hard to do mine after yours! and i LOVE taco bell as well (not even kidding i was a VIP customer and my picture was on the wall when we lived in texas haha! ok that's pathetic....)