Sunday, May 31, 2009


Our camera was not working for a long time so we decided it was time for a new one and to update our blog.

This is what we have been up too:

We got a new dog. Her name is Sonia. My mom found her a work and decided we needed another one. I could not bare not to take her. Our other dog Feliz loves having a friend. Sonia is the black one and Feliz is the brown one.

We had a very relaxing Memorial Day with Mike's family. We swam, had great food and played with the nieces and nephews.

My cousin came to visit from Sacramento. She is going on a mission to Virgina in June. It was so good to see her. WE WILL MISS HER!

Last, but not least we went to Disneyland with Mike's dad and brother. We had a lot of fun and got on all the cool rides.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Yea camera! Cute pic of Emma and Lizzy. Thanks for coming on Monday. It was fun to see you and Mike before the drama. Congrats on your Liscence to Sell :)