Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Youth Conference Trek!

Last week we were called to be Youth Conference Parents. We had 11 Kids in our family. 7 Boys and 4 Girls. They were all great. For the Youth Conference we did a Pioneer Trek. It was tough. We were there Wednesday through Saturday. We walked 15 Miles total pulling and pushing a hand chart with our our stuff in it. It was up and down hills the whole time. We cooked in dutch ovens and slet out side (I am not a big fan of sleeping in the wild, they told us there were Black Bears and Snakes so be careful). We also did not shower or anything for three days. So as you can tell I did not look to good when we came home. But it was a great spiritual experiance and the kids had such a good time. I will post pictures later. Our camera broke on the trek so I will get some from friends.


Diana said...

That stinks about your camera. I'm glad you guys had a good time and I'll bet you'll always have memories of your experience. Welcome back to reality :)

Michelle said...

How fun...being with the kids not the no showering part:) Can't wait to see pictures!!

Joella said...

Hey Kelli, this is Joella, I am Eric Urry's (Michael's cousin) wife. Sounds like you had fun, but I do know how hard it can be not to take a shower for three days...not fun! I remember doing one those "treks" about 7 years ago, it was little rough but it was fun. Hope to see you guys soon!

The Parkers said...

I like how the picture does not show your face... Kelli were you that dirty?